The Association aims to improve the Safety impact in South Africa through information sharing, creating structured qualification frameworks and adopting industry best practices for consistent improvement of safety performance throughout industry.
The Association of Mine Safety Professionals of South Africa
Since its establishment in 2017 the main objectives of the Association are to promote and uphold the general advancement of Health and Safety Professionals in the South African mining industry.
AMSPSA aims to educate its members on safety matters by considering and discussing everything affecting the professional interests of its members.
Join AMSPSA Today
Become part of the premier Safety Professionals Association in South Africa
Current Membership
Our membership grades consist out of Junior Associate Member, Associate Member, Ordinary Member , Retired Member or Honorary Life member
Fatality free mining requires collaboration, sharing and alignment of the entire industry, mines working together as one voice, one order.
Owen McCree - President
Upcoming Events
Annual General Meeting
More information to follow shortly
Upcoming Events
General Meeting
More information to follow shortly
Upcoming Events
General Meeting
More information to follow shortly
The association serves as an excellent knowledge sharing platform and allows ample opportunity to network with peers within the South African Mine Safety profession.