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Software is NOT a system, but a means of capturing information FROM a system. Learn to develop and run a system first


What is a System and how should it Work?

45 - 90 min


Software, software, software ..... is all we see when we talk about systems and actually, this could not be further from the truth.

This session will explain to you what a system is, how it should work and how long the system should be run before you even consider turning it into software. Our experience in investigating the wasting of R 24 Mil for this purpose, will provide valuable lessons for you.


60 min

Made famous by Daniel Goleman, the effects of dedicated focus as a driver for excellence is a most valuable keynote with your strategic management as well as your workshop level staff.

This keynote works great as a follow up to "Effective Goal Alignment"

Consultation Sessions

OMI in partnership with The Compliance Group (TCG) visits your business and assists you to draft your current business system vs where you aim to be. Once this is done, we will assist you to redefine and remap key business processes and supporting business processes by means of an input - system - output (ISO) approach to align your business with your aspired outcomes.

While this may seem like a simple process, many businesses are not able to identify the misalignment in approach based on occupational and organisational blindness. This is no insult, but a state that all business leaders fall into at one point or another.

There is no need to close doors and throw in the towel. Your answer may be right in-front of you. Allow us to assist you to see it. 



Mc Cree



  • What is Leadership and how does it work.

  • Leading Teams

  • Safety Culture and Behaviour

Owen Mc Cree

South Africa Based International Speaker


South Africa

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