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Getting our people to work safely, rather than work, and still have to do the "safety stuff"


Operational Risk Management, The RIGHT WAY.

45 - 90 min

Throughout the years, safety professionals have attended so many courses presented by so many different training providers, that we have by some means lost track of the intent of risk management. We simply risk assess EVERYTHING and worse, action EVERYTHING. We end up with procedures for EVERYTHING and checklists for EVERYTHING.

This session takes us back to what we are supposed to be doing to stop the administrative stereotyping of the safety function and stop overloading our line management with paperwork.

Health & Safety Strategy

How to advance your safety portfolio and make results REAL

45 - 90 min

What is a safety strategy as a functional strategy and how does it fit into the larger business strategy? How do we structure a strategy that works and how do we make it stick in the operations.

The KEY is value. This session will explore why safety strategies don't work and how to change this. How to align tangible efforts with improvement in safety performance so we can do it again. If you can't prove your improvement, you can't repeat it.

Safety Performance Reporting  

From Loss Control to Loss Prevention

45 - 90 min

Even in the enlightened era we are living in today, there still seems to be difficulty in understanding the value of preventive trend analysis and action vs reactive action.

This keynote explores the value from a business and safety perspective and demonstrates why a proactive approach is of so much more value. 

Safety in a 3rd World Country

This is how we do it


45 - 90 min

A huge amount of money is spent every year on bench-marking internationally in 1st world countries. However, when these teams get back, not half of what was observed internationally actually works in South Africa or any other 3rd world country. 

In this session, we discuss why this is and the basic of safety management in a 3rd world country

Building a Safety Culture

Why this is important and what it brings


45 - 90 min

Production is not first, safety is not first, so what do we focus on? We focus on producing safely, or we don't produce at all.

Safety should become part of what we do and not something else we have to do. Newcomers in our area need to produce safely based on the observable conduct of the team they enter. This, is a safety culture.

The session unpacks the dynamics of a culture overall and then delves into what a safety culture is specifically and how to build one.

Effective Action Closure

The secret to preventing repeat incidents


45 - 90 min

In the last 15 odd years, there has been no new injuries. We pride ourselves on our investigation quality and different analysis methodologies, RCAT, SCAT, ICAM, Bow-Tie etc. 

These great findings are then destroyed by not making sure the solutions are sustainably implemented and weaved into the system.

Our injuries in the last 10 odd years are repeats. We will look at why action closure and over-inspection is so critical and how we will prevent repeats. 


Safety Management Systems

For Line Managers


5 days

This is probably our most value adding workshop in the safety domain.

The problem with safety, is that people think it is an easy occupation and that one can simply "move to safety" from a line management position. The reasons for this is simple. When an accountant does a presentation on their work, the majority of audience members have no clue what they are saying nor does anybody have the confidence nor competence to really ask a value adding question on balance sheets, cash flow statements etc. When the Occupational Hygienist present their work and starts going on about HEGS, OEL, Hexa-Chromium levels, Swabs etc. the same happens.


However, when the Safety Manager presents their work, we only see graphs with logical analysis. Number of this, number of that. We see audit results which we now was a question sheet / audit protocol and answers, of which the results were calculated and represented in % for each section. The examples are endless, but in essence, the work presented by the Safety Manager looks quite simple, and hence, everybody thinks they can do it.

During these 5 days, we break safety down to a practical level for line managers. At the end of the 5 days, line management understands why each safety process exists, how they contribute towards the bigger picture and why it is important that they do, not only for safety, but for themselves as well. They learn the system intricacies of OHSAS 18001 and ISO 45001, how safety paperwork is needed and used es evidence in courts of law and inquiries. In these 5 days we cover:

  1. Policies and their reason for existence

  2. Safety strategies and operational Tactics

  3. Risk Management - What is Baseline, Issue Based, Continuous Risk Assessment and how do they interact.

  4. Legal Requirements and Operational Requirements for Line

  5. Objectives and Programs

  6. Structures and Responsibilities

  7. Training and Competencies

  8. Communication and Consultation

  9. Documents, Document Control

  10. Records and Record Control

  11. Procedures, Standards, Codes of Practice, Managerial Instructions

  12.  Emergency Preparedness

  13. Performance Management

  14. Incidents and Injuries

  15. Audits and Inspections  



Mc Cree



  • What is Leadership and how does it work.

  • Leading Teams

  • Safety Culture and Behaviour

Owen Mc Cree

South Africa Based International Speaker


South Africa

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