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A leader can be found anywhere in the organisation. Management is a level of authority and a list of activities


What is an Organisational Culture and WHY does it matter?

60 min


Sometimes referred to as the pot that cooks the meal, organisational culture is critical in making or breaking any functional project, campaign, initiative, project or drive. Creating and sustaining a positive, enabling culture is critical in business success and synergy among your departments and more importantly, between management and lower level workers.

Establish and Maintain Trust in your Organisation

45 - 90 min

Without the element of trust in your organisation, your people will always default to a safe position where they are in control of all or most events and processes. Your campaigns will never fly and all programs will be taken with the proverbial grain of salt. How do we create trust, fix trust and most importantly, maintain it.

Creating an Enabling Environment for Culture to Grow.

60 min


Moving from instructing from a point of authority to making decisions and taking responsibility. Like eggs need the perfect environment to hatch and a cake the perfect uninterrupted temperature to bake, this keynote will explain what an enabling environment is for a culture to drop its roots and grow.

Emotional Intelligence

45 - 90 min


If you thought IQ is the real deal, think again. EQ has been proven to derail international business contracts despite the intelligence of the parties.

Looking at the behaviour of humans, body language, thought processes and reaction to gestures, this session will enlighten you on how you behave and possibly step on some toes. "I am responsible for what I say, not for how you interpret it" ......uuuhhmm  incorrect, if you want the real message to come across.

Understanding and Managing Anger

45 - 90 min


When we observe anger, or someone directs anger at us, our immediate response is to mirror that anger or run. either way your Constitution and self image takes you, in order to prevent a recurrence, we need to understand why the anger has surface, how it was created or brewed. This session will look a causes, symptoms and the brain functions that lead to outbursts. Frustrations hatched to grow into dragons, and how to tame them.

The No Asshole Rule

45 - 90 min


Every company has one or two, there is nothing we can do about that now. However, how we manage this going forward can help us create a civilized working environment where we are, and if we are not in a position to get rid of these people, how to live and survive in a proctologist's waiting room.

This humour filled, "direct and punchy" session made famous by Robert Sutton, will change every workplace interaction you will ever make going forward.


"Under New Management" - How do I make this Count?

1 day

The "new-broom" stereotyping and all the questions along these lines are being discussed in the smaller non-boardroom meetings by your HODs and their teams. How to deal with this situation and make your new approach valid, have the correct impact and initiate a shocking change.

Turning Around a Damaged Culture

1 day

Taking over a new business, operation, section, district? Has there been a "wake-up" call in your business and the realization of a toxic culture and the consequences of it has hit you like a ton of bricks? How do you turn a culture that has been set in stone?

Building & Sustaining A Culture

1 day

New business, new organisation, new project. How to build a culture from the onset, from the first shovel hitting the ground, the first email sent. We need top make sure that the approach we take, the way we want to do business is set and understood from the get-go. But how do we do that?



Mc Cree



  • What is Leadership and how does it work.

  • Leading Teams

  • Safety Culture and Behaviour

Owen Mc Cree

South Africa Based International Speaker


South Africa

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